
All QuestionsCategory: Open Schoolcan-a-learner-take-admission-in-the-secondary-senior-secondary-course-of-nios-after-passing-the-secondary-senior-secondary-course-from-a-formal-board-of-school-education
karampoori sai charan asked 4 months ago

Yes. In case the learner has completed the Secondary/Senior Secondary Course from any National/State Boardof School Education and wish to seek admission in NIOS for the same course, he/she will be allowed to takeadmission in NIOS in upto four subjects. On successful completion, the learner will get only the Marksheet. NoCertificate is issued under the Dual/Part Admission Scheme. SIR NENU INTER SCIENCE TO MALLI CHEYACCHA NIOS LO

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