how to check nios admission last dates for october-november-2020 examination?

All QuestionsCategory: Open Schoolhow to check nios admission last dates for october-november-2020 examination?
kuldeep saxena asked 5 years ago

please inform me how to check the last dates of admission in National Institute of Open School (NIOS)class 12th for October – November 2020 session.

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1 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

according to details available on the official web site of nios the last dates as follows for NIOS October-November 2020 examination.

  • 6th Sept. to 31st January
    Normal Fee
    October/November 2020

    1st February to 15th February
    with a late fee of Rs. 200/-

    16th February to 28th February
    with a late fee of Rs. 400/-

    1st March. to 15th March
    with a late fee of Rs. 700/-

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