What is Open Inter?

All QuestionsCategory: Open InterWhat is Open Inter?
MAHIMA CHOWDARY asked 2 weeks ago

What is Open Inter?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 2 weeks ago

What is Open Inter?

Open Inter refers to an alternative education system where students, after completing their 10th grade, can directly enroll in Intermediate (equivalent to 11th and 12th grades) without attending regular classes. This flexible option is offered by boards like NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling), Telangana Open School, Andhra Pradesh Open School, and Bihar Open School. It allows students to continue their education with minimal constraints.

To get admission in Open Inter, call the AI Coordinator at 8801045488.

This system is ideal for those who need flexibility due to personal or professional reasons and is recognized by various education boards and institutions.